Find binary relations with the packages!

Random error cloud:

bspatch: command not found byobu-disable-prompt: command not found dtrealms: command not found eu-elflint: command not found fastarevcomp: command not found iok: command not found jjrun: command not found kdump: command not found report-cli: command not found sim_lsmplugin: command not found ltspfsmounter: command not found nautilus-beesu-manager: command not found hdifftopam: command not found orbit-event-server: command not found pklogin_finder: command not found ext_transform_feedback-geometry-shaders-basic: command not found pshell: command not found gww.x_openmpi: command not found rpmdev-sha384: command not found smbprint: command not found tcpd: command not found t4ht: command not found qschedd: command not found blkdiscard: command not found vcf-concat: command not found oggdec: command not found as: command not found command not found fview: command not found dpidc: command not found restart-aolserver: command not found ecaccess-certificate-list.bat: command not found evolver: command not found freefoam-faceSet: command not found freefoam-job: command not found gcolor2: command not found fnid: command not found inndstart: command not found gts2stl: command not found gtscompare: command not found paf: command not found paraclu: command not found ansel-garbage-collection: command not found nit: command not found tegaki-stats: command not found pygettext: command not found qemu-nbd: command not found command not found scrobble-cli: command not found vrpm: command not found